Call for Papers – CBER Forum May 12th – 13th, 2022
Chair event
The Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research (CBER) Forum invites you to submit papers for presentation at the 2nd Annual CBER Conference on May 12th – 13th, 2022. The submission deadline is February 21, 2022. This year, the conference will be held in Boston, MA by the Digital Business Institute at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business (for conference registration, please click here). Attendees may also participate virtually, if they prefer. The conference will feature one best paper prize and one best discussant prize with the generous support from the FinTech Initiative at Cornell.
Authors submitting papers to the conference are also offered a dual submission option with Management Science (MS). If this option is chosen, “dual submitted” papers will be forwarded to participating MS Department Editors (DEs) (see list below), along with their conference reviews. MS DEs will conduct an additional screening and can opt to “sponsor” individual papers, by sending out a formal invitation to submit to the journal. Regardless of the conference outcome, authors of papers invited by MS editors will have two months to decide whether to accept the invitation and submit to the journal. At that point, the paper will undergo the journal review process handled by the “sponsoring” DE. Dual submitted papers that do not receive a DE invitation, or that do receive an invitation, but are ultimately not submitted, could still be submitted to the journal under its standard rules in the future. We emphasize that both the invitation to submit and the ultimate publication decision, lie with the journal, and in particular there is no guarantee that a dual submitted paper will be invited, or ultimately accepted by the journal. However, we do anticipate that this process will lead to a faster decision from the journal for invited papers.
Agostino Capponi, Columbia University
Joshua Gans, University of Toronto
Anindya Ghose, NYU Stern School of Business
Kay Giesecke, Stanford University
Lukas Schmid, University of Southern California