07/02/2020 5pm

Crypto and Blockchain Economics Research Forum
Chair event
The CBER forum seeks to build a community of academics and experts with an interest in the economics of blockchain. As a starting point, we will run a monthly webinar on the first Thursday of each month.
The webinar will be held on Thursday July 2nd, at 11 AM Eastern Time (5PM Eastern European).
Christine Parlour has kindly agreed to be our speaker and present her research on “Miner Collusion and the bitcoin Protocol”.
We hope to see you at the seminar! In the meantime, please register on our website.
Best regards,
Steering committee: Agostino Capponi (Columbia), Lin William Cong (Cornell), Zhiguo He (Chicago Booth), Kose John (NYU Stern), Andreas Park (University of Toronto), Christine Parlour (Berkeley Haas), Julien Prat (Ecole Polytechnique), Fahad Saleh (McGill University), Gerry Tsoukalas (Wharton School), David Yermack (NYU Stern)